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R&S®TS-RSP RF System Panel
Категория - Решения для тестирования
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With Plug-In Modules TS-RBRF, TS-REMI, TS-REMSKey Facts Versatile platform for EMC applications The RF System Platform R&S®TS-RSP is a versatile, configurable RF switching unit specially designed for EMI and EMS applications. It consists of the R&S®TS-RSP basic unit with three possible plug-in modules (R&S®TS-RBRF, R&S®TS-REMI and R&S®TS-REMS) and replaces the SCIU, RSU and DCU units in RF test systems (e.g. EMC test systems, RF measurement systems). Whilst the R&S®TS-RBRF and the R&S®TS-REMI contain only RF relays, the R&S®TS-REMS has a built-in RF Power Meter R&S®NRVS and can optionally be equipped with additional RF power relays. Modular 19 design for rack integration The basic frame of the R&S®TS-RSP (4 HU, 19) holds the plug-in modules for integration into EMC systems. For installation in a 19 rack, no additional rackmounting kit is required. The frame can be equipped with each of the plugin modules alone or with a combination of the R&S®TS-REMI with either the R&S®TS-RBRF or the R&S®TS-REMS.
Features & Benefits R&S®TS-RSP basic unit with R&S®TS-USM board The various inputs and outputs of the R&S®TS-USM make the R&S®TS-RSP highly versatile. Besides the relay drivers, it contains further functionalities that can be used in Rohde & Schwarz projects. For example, one of the optocoupler inputs is used as read-back for the safety interlock provided by the R&S®EMC 32. Four of the relay drivers can be used for external high-power RF relays (relays in a Power Switch Unit R&S®PSU). R&S®TS-REMS The R&S®TS-REMS plug-in module is specially designed for EMS test systems to measure the electromagnetic susceptibility of DUTs. It combines RF path switching, high-power RF switching and a power meter in one device. With this plug-in, up to three power amplifiers can be controlled and switched to three different connection points, e.g. in anechoic chambers and shielded rooms. Forward and reverse power can be measured with the integrated Power Meter R&S®NRVS. However, if permanent monitoring of forward and reverse power is necessary, an additional external power meter is required. The standard version (.02) is designed for up to 12 GHz. Version .03 is available for up to 18 GHz. The R&S®TS-REMS can be equipped with up to four internal power relays, which have to be ordered as options. R&S®TS-REMI The R&S®TS-REMI plug-in module is specially designed for EMI test systems to measure the electro-magnetic emission of DUTs. Six relays (type SPDT) allow a customized configuration for any system. For example, a tracking generator can be routed to two different connection points, and additionally one RF input of an EMI test receiver can be connected to up to five different connection points (shielded room, anechoic chamber 1 m, 3 m, 10 m, etc). Two of the six relays can switch microwave signals up to 40 GHz, which enables measurements according to FCC as well as MIL or any other microwave EMI measurement. The other relays are limited to 18 GHz. R&S®TS-RBRF The R&S®TS-RBRF plug-in module is designed for basic RF measurement systems (such as the R&S®TS9976). Four relays (type SP6T) allow a customized con. guration for any RF test and measurement system. The relays are designed for a frequency range from DC to 18 GHz. Software support The R&S®TS-RSP and the three possible plug-in modules are supported by the Rohde & Schwarz EMC software R&S®EMC 32. For other applications, a description of the remote control interface is available on request.''
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